Character Checklist
We’ve done a lot of talking about characters. Who they are, how they function, and what they add to your story. How do you know you’re on the right track? Here’s a list of questions to ask yourself about your characters. If you can answer all these questions with clear, simple and specific examples, you’re on your way!
Physical Attributes
What is the age and sex of your character?
What does your character look like?
How does your character like to live?
What does your character like to wear?
What is your character’s sexual orientation?
Backstory: Upbringing
From what kind of family does your character come?
Was your character loved as a child? A teenager? An adult?
Was your character raised comfortably or without means?
What kind of childhood did your character have?
What was your character exposed to as a child?
What kind of relationship does your character have with parents and other family?
Values and Self-Worth
What are your character’s values?
What are your characters hopes and dreams?
What are you characters fears?
What is the class or status of your character, are they rich, poor or something else?
What’s your character’s race and nationality? How does that affect them?
How does your character see themself?
What is your character’s moral code?
What matters to your character?
What amuses your character?
What are your character’s ambitions?
What are your character’s dreams for themself?
What does your character think that they want?
What does your character actually need that they don’t even know?
What are your characters biggest disappointments?
What does your character love/hate about themself?
What inhibits your character?
What inspires your character?
What is your character afraid of?
What turns your character on? What, if anything, obsesses them?
What is your character’s occupation?
What is your character’s education?
What is your character’s financial situation?
What are your character’s hobbies?
What are your character’s habits and manners?
Is your character neat and clean or dirty and messy? How much in either direction?
What kind of taste does your character have?
What are your character’s political views?
Does your character’s religious beliefs?
What kind of music does your character like?
What kind entertainment — art, sports, movies, something else?
Lastly, ask yourself : how is this character going to change over the course of this story?